Celebrating Delphic Research

Published on
September 16, 2020
Written by
Jason Grier
Read time
5 min

Today represents a special day, not only for me, but for the entire team at Delphic Research Group.  We also hope it marks a special day for anyone working in public affairs here in Canada because a desire to be of service to you has been our core driver and principal source of motivation. Going forward, our focus on serving you, our customer, will continue to be the lodestar that guides us towards constant improvement and innovation.

We Built This For You

I have spent more than 25 years working at policy and public affairs, both in government and from the outside looking in. I have worked both in the trenches, as well as at the most senior levels of leadership.  As a vice president of one of the largest public affairs companies on the planet and as the founder of one of Canada’s leading health-focussed public affairs consultancies, I have developed a deep sense of the challenges and triumphs of working in the specialized field we share.

We work in a knowledge-based profession, one in which the amount of information and data we depend on is growing exponentially.  As true professionals dedicated to providing best-in-class and knowledgeable service to our clients and principals, we can sometimes struggle to stay on top of the growing number of information sources and at the pace that our business demands.  Moreover, the dramatic decrease in the number of journalists working in this country means that one of the sources of public affairs intelligence – the media – is only able to provide a narrow view into the range of issues, government announcements, and stakeholder activity one needs to keep track of.  It can also be a challenge to quickly get hold of reliable statistics, information, rules, background, and processes to optimize a public affairs program.

I experienced these challenges, firsthand, and saw over the years how challenging it was for colleagues and clients to stay on top of the incredible volume of information that came from a vast array of sources. Even knowing where to look for something was a challenge.

Over the past year, our team has been engaged in a journey of research and innovation to understand the information challenges government affairs professionals face and the kinds of solutions that would deliver them relief.  We also looked deeply into the subject of knowledge management and spent time understanding the approach taken in other knowledge-dependent sectors. We then moved forward to map sources of data and information, built tools and processes, and developed an approach for continuous improvement in each of these domains.

We did this because we believe in the value of the work you do.  We  know how committed you are to true professionalism and a desire to do everything within your power to be the best that you can be.

Join us as we embark on an exciting new journey to reshape the public affairs landscape. Help us help you in performing at your best to elevate the policies that shape our world.

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